0:00 Ooh some pitch bend? Interesting... not sure what it's going for yet
0:15 There's some dissonance here, still kind of unsure what's happening
0:30 Okay the melodies and chords are sort of at dissonance here, I don't think they cohere very well
0:50 I feel like there needs to be some understanding of scales going on here, otherwise if you already know, and are breaking the rules on purpose, I feel like there needs to be a greater sense of melody and harmony.
1:27 I feel like I can skip ahead
2:36 Sheesh, more of the same!
Skipped to 3:30 Oh, I really think there needs to be more harmony here. Something seems out of key.
Skipped to 4:09 It's less obvious when the bass isn't happening underneath. Wow, it finished.
I think that even though I could see what you were trying to go for here, there is a lot of dissonance that isn't quite working in favour of the track, at least to my ears. I'm not sure if you are quite well-versed in chord theory or not, but I think it would be good to learn which notes go well with others. So that it can sound harmonious rather than in dissonance all the time. Don't get me wrong, a bit of dissonance is good, but only when it seems intentional.
So I do think that studying chord theory or looking up a YouTube video on scales would do some good. Keep it up!