0:00 That kick is very bassy.
0:10 Not sure if I'm a huge fan of that melody line...
0:18 It sounds a bit like a horse galloping beat.
0:30 It sounds unique for sure.
0:35 OK let's see where this goes.
0:43 I do like the drum programming here but generally all the intricacies get lost under all dat bass.
0:57 That strings hovering under. It's quite passive aggressive.
1:08 Ooh. Strange. Interesting.
1:23 OK
1:28 The riff is quite repetitious though
1:35 Yeah it's getting stuck in my head though and that previous statement wasn't to say things weren't progressing because they are only ever so slowly
1:55 OK change soon pls this is getting annoying
2:01 OK that sidechained strings. Brings an interesting thing to it.
2:15 Yep you're right it's getting a bit more solemn. Hopefully it goes full solemn soon
2:27 It is pretty solemn. Still harsh and quick, but solemnity creeps in.
2:40 Yeah i like the strings by themselves sorry, the kick is too overwhelming
2:51 done
OK it was nice and interesting but perhaps your kick is too bassy. But I do like the sidechaining in the strings and other instruments. It's unique and original, but I don't really like the melody that much and it gets repetitive and even annoying just when it gets to the end. Perhaps change it up a little. Otherwise good, mostly well produced. The bass sometimes drowns all the other frequencies out. But it's inventive and new and cool anyway.
Thanks for letting me listen.