Really moody and atmospheric. <3
Really moody and atmospheric. <3
^__^ I'm really glad you like that!
Beautiful. Sounds very Joanna Newsom. Love it.
I'll have to look her up, thanks for the kind words!
listening to this on soundcloud made me happy. you deserve more. keep doing.
You my n***a for this bro! And you already know I'ma do more no doubt
New World placental mammal? kinky
0:15 The use of those tuned 808 kicks or whatever they are
0:24 and the synthy toms
0:29 I can hear what sounds like machinery or something... probably a garbled sample trusting you
0:52 Those vocal samples manipulated like you do
1:04 This has that "hyphy of the 90s" type vibe, or like a mustardonabeat-ho early 00's r&b rhythm but not as electric-piano based
1:41 There's some of that vocals interpolated in there too
1:48 and then a couple farts at the end. nice.
Wouldn't say this is a loop tho. more like a song ;) I like the way you experiment and the ideas you bring up. Kind of visceral machine-like noises and vocals being brought in but with a really short release. And that poppy beat too. nice stuff. forward-thinking.
Thanks for the review! Whenever I make a track that starts with one element (like the vibraphone here) either I keep it in or ditch it. Here I think I should've ditched it. It sounds cool, but I don't think it fits in with the rest of what's going on. It kinda bugs me. I dig everything else though.
Yeah the vocal chopping I was really happy with.
0:00 Tighttttt... there's so much reverse.
0:10 You're always the man at the sample manipulation
0:18 Not sure if I'm a fan of the complete silences.... after each "for you"
0:33 That string sample. Such a fan.
0:38 I can hear the reverb on that little click.
0:54 OK right here would be a good time to provide a breakdown.
1:11 You've always been adept at this kind of beat. Comparisons to Madlib, etc.
1:24 That abrupt ending
This has groove, it has flow, it reminds me of Madlib, Dilla, those kinds of folks. You might want to put a little bit of release on the end of your samples, coz they end so quickly, but maybe that's a stylistic choice. Overall, this bumps hard. Nice!
Thanks for the feedback! I had it end kinda abruptly since the whole time the dude is "searching" "for you" and at the very end: "I see you" -- or, ICU. Story's over, I guess. Although when I was making it, I couldn't make up my mindi whether it was designed for someone to rap over, or for plain old listening. If I leaned towards the latter, I might've shortened it or thrown in a breakdown like you said. Also, the click not lining up with the snare sometimes kinda bugs me, but it didn't seem like a total deal breaker. Thanks again. Also, I read all your other reviews. It was a lot in a short span of time, so it might take me a while to respond to all of them. But I did read them!
Nice. needs a bit of 8-bit drums and you'll have it all sorted. you got the essence of composition already even back in 2011.
Btw send me a dl link for that game. i might be interested :)
I crunched the sound quality in the actual game to ease the download time. I don't think drums would've survived the transition well. Maybe they could have? Anyway, I sent you the link. Thanks for the review!
0:08 Let's see what jingle's all about.
0:14 I like the vocal sample and the way it cuts out.
0:21 You're so inventive. I love it. Can we be frenz?
0:35 Yes. This is what I love to hear.
0:48 Yes pleas.
0:57 You're inventive. I love that.
1:03 I love it. You're so good at doing those pads.
1:15 You remind me of the way I produce sometimes... but you're a lot better at mixing.
1:30 Yay. Cowbells are the best.
1:37 I like the rhythm and the way this flows.
1:47 Those snares. Interpolation or something.
1:57 Hehe this flip. It's all nice and progressive.
2:10 Could be louder, but that's a nitpick.
2:15 yay.
It's a really good song. I have no qualms. It's inventive. But perhaps, like me, you don't tend to handle the "hype up" vibe that much, you just create really good beats but you don't really hype it up. Which is a good characteristic, and it means you can create good quality songs without gimmicks, but sometimes you need the "woosh" and the automation filters to make it shine like a star. But I'm criticizing you on what I can't do, so that's kinda sad.
Good song!
thanks for the good feedback, that doesn't stop me from trying i did do the hype up vibe in the song i creatively named "hype", i can't normally do it, only it accidentally happens and then i roll with it.
typically my chiller tracks are more well received so i guess that reflects what you're saying.
0:00 Flutey. I like.
0:08 Ew I don't exactly like the full melody
0:15 Hmmm those snares are trilling along nicely.
0:24 OK I like where this is going... very Zelda-ey.
0:33 You're probably inspired by Wind Waker, aren't you? Yes you are, you naughty boy you! ;)
0:51 Lol. Very happy. I LIKE these chords. very nice... you don't really settle down do you?
1:05 Those hi-hats are interesting...
1:12 This synth is cool. i like the really triumphant voice your song has
1:23 This synth is sooooo cool I love choirs tho...
1:34 EW that sounds like the default FL drum.... the snare! ew lol it wasn't even properly mixed
1:46 I can hear distortion in my left ear
1:53 PLS dont use that snare it's offending
1:58 EW that piano please don't. that piano sound is disgusting. it sounds like FL keys ewwwww my earssssss
2:13 OK i like the choir and the main synth... but please stop the piano arpeggios
2:27 Nice chord progression.......
2:34 Very uplifting.
2:45 I wonder how this is going to end
2:55 Don't make your synths so loud that they clip...... lol
OK weird ending so abrupt, but it's overall a very happy piece that's blighted by some poor mixing that causes distortion and some really "default-sounding" sounds that sound like FL defaults. Their usual snares or keys. Even if I'm wrong, that you used some professional VST, that's what it sounds like anyway. Get a new piano vst ;)
But other than that, pretty well constructed and composed. You're good with chord structures but sometimes just lack the skill in choosing the right sound.
Aw man, thanks! That's such detailed feedback! Now I can work more effectively on improving my music.
So, regarding the chord progression, I did go quite wild on this one (I usually stick with a four-chord pop song structure) with two main progressions : one is the main Ab-Eb-B-Db-Absus2-Eb-Ab-Db and the other, to which I switch at 1:31 and 2:30, is the radically different G-D-Em-C (flat chords were starting to annoy me).
Distorsion really is a problem, I need to get better at mastering.
About the instruments I used:
1:34: That is a default FL drum... sorry. But what do you mean, it wasn't properly mixed? I agree that there are problems with it, but I might be missing some terminology here.
1:53: Really? I'll make sure to use better snares from now on (what would you recommend?).
1:58: I do need a new piano vst. Any good one in mind?
Other stuff:
0:24: I've been waiting my whole life for someone to tell me my music was Zelda-ey (though Kalyben did say that about "Man In A Purple Hat" a while ago). Thank you :)
0:33: Yes I am ^^ The Wind Waker soundtrack is one of the best video game soundtracks I've ever heard.
I was actually also inspired by the soundtrack for the mobile game Starlink (which is really good, in my opinion)
0:51: As I mentioned, these chords are triumphant, but they are also... weird (for me, at least).
1:12: Trimphant is what I was aiming for :)
2:13: Sorry about the piano arpeggios. It's true that I tend to use repetitive backround melodies that actually take away from the main one. I'll watch out for that in the future.
2:55: Guess I got a bit carried away on the loudness thing. I'll try to be more balanced next time.
Anyway, thanks again for the wonderful feedback and the time you took to listen to my song and comment on it!
0:00 Yes. very nice.
0:18 This is what I like to hear. Those vocal samples just being chucked around willy-nilly.
0:28 Oh dayum.
0:32 Hmm... that flow kind of got lost. I like the hi-hats though...
0:40 EEK that synth is yuck. Pls dont. Not nice. The melody doesn't really fit. Sorry... I liked what you were doing b4
0:57 OK... interesting interlude...
1:07 I think there's too many disparate elements and they don't gel...
1:20 That snare and clap is nice though
1:28 The way you use that voice though. it's like meowing lol.
1:35 OH man this has potential but it's missing it so hard
1:50 OK now it just sounds like you're pasting patterns everywhere... please man please impress me i know you can
2:04 heck i'm following you anyway because i know you have talent
2:15 That laugh lol i like it
2:23 OK this is nicer flow but it's gonna finish soon...
2:29 Yes pls. That choir is nice and soothing.... sounds almost arabian this part does
OK yes it was very interesting but the elements felt very disparate and didn't fit together that well. It seemed to progress from one state to another without reaching a real groove. That said, your mixing is top notch so I know you can do well and I've subscribed. Despite its setbacks it was still an enjoyable listen.
Yo :)
read me like a book, i got lazy at some parts and pasted in parts from another track. this one has been sitting in my daw for a while so i really just wanted to get it out.
everyone matters
Age 33, Male
Software Developer
University of Auckland
Auckland, NZ
Joined on 11/9/10