Highly audible!
~~~xxxZigZagxxx's Listen-a-Trak~~~
0:00 Trancey start, with a hardcore tinge. Epic swoops.
0:30 Snare fades well into the kick.
1:00 Bass is muddying up the mix! NOPE.
1:15 Seriously, someone needs to EQ that bass.
1:30 So far highly underwhelming, but it could get better.
1:45 Ah well, at least it's melodic. You've got a nice lead line going on there.
2:15 This is starting to sound very epic. The addition to the lead makes it 5x better.
2:45 Ah yes, that kick is good. But might need a bit more high end, so you can feel the presence of the rhythm? I'm not sure, that or it might ruin the mix.
3:15 Very chill vibe going on here. Just cruising along the trance route. The hi-hats are a bit weird though. Sounds like they're going through a flange of some sort. Insane upon the membrane!
3:45 Amusing synth coming in here. A bit puny. Is that all you got, synth? Also, Y U GO OUT OF TUNE?
4:15 An overly loud synth that is clearly out of tune.
4:30 Get that annoying buzzy bee out my eardrums, ASAP!
4:40 Thank you.
4:55 Starting to get a bit boring.
5:15 Meh... yawn.
5:30 OK I'll stop the review here.
Very interesting rendition of a great song. I don't believe you nailed it like you could have. There were some minor mixing issues, including a major one at about the *ahem* 3:45 mark. ( I would mute that channel if I was you.)
But yes, overall, entertaining but underwhelming. Gets boring around the 5 minute mark, which is kinda good considering that 3:30 is the ideal radio track length. So your experiment kinda worked.
Production: 6/10
Listenability: 7.5/10
Creativity: 5/10
Style: 6.5/10
Reviewer's Tilt: 2.5/10
TOTAL: 27.5/50
GRADE: 55%
VOTE: 3/5