0:00 Liking the riff you're using. There's some nice arpeggio-like synth riffs overlapping each other that create a mood of livelihood, uplifting vibes and contentment.
0:41 The kick fills your ear-drums. I think the drums in general lack a definite top-end, that gives the crispness to the percussion. This being said, I tend to compensate *too much* in that area, so you can take that as a personal criticism rather than an objective one.
1:29 I feel like the energy of the song should be building up more around this point. More "swishes", more build-up synths towards a climax, or if you are going more for the slow-burn Burial-style future garage, then it needs a bit more automation in terms of reverb and delays.
And yet even those styles of songs have drops.
So far, so good. I'd see this is as a work-in-progress level of quality, as in it can be improved, needs a little work. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more of you in the future.
This has been your ~Review for Review~