0:00 Nice start.
0:15 The melody is interesting, it has a nice kind of sound to it.
0:25 But it kinda sounds like you just stacked sounds on top of each other. The snare is particularly out of place. Needs reverb or something, I think. It has a really "smacky" high end that assaults the ears. You should really check that out.
1:01 Melodies are pretty good tho, but you got some interesting detuned instruments there with very long release. They drown out a lot of the other instruments. They're also probably hogging the lo-mid range. But, eh, what do I know?
1:39 It is quite nice and euphoric here.
1:49 You got a nice little violin piece here.
2:15 This part is nice and different. It's got a nice little lower part, counter melody played by the viola, and then they stack over each other. Very epic violin solo :)
2:58 There's that gated synth again.
Well, I didn't get bored. It was a pretty standard piece, but that's the thing. You might need some mixing here and there, to separate the frequencies, make them more clear. But also, using a noise wave and automating a low-pass filter on it, can give the impression of swelling up to a particularly intense part. I reckon that some parts would gain energy from doing that, then have a cymbal at the end. On the other end, it may cheapen it too. Just do what you feel.
Overall, a nice song, with a few flaws. Touch this one up, and it could be a real hit.