o, ur not dead
o, ur not dead
This is really good, kinda reminds me of the OST for It Follows. Keep it up. Really subtle.
The ending in particular is great. 1:30
Thanks, dude. I was trying to rip off the Cry of Fear music a bit. Was watching this guy play through it on youtube, and I thought, whoa this music is cool! Haha.
The end was a teaser for some other track I'm working on. I was trying to play guitar, but I wasn't really playing on point rhythmically, so I chopped it up, and autotuned the guitar since it was out of tune (my neck was bent, so if it's in-tune on the bottom, it's out of tune on top, and vice versa).
This is pretty great, not sure why you don't still do this, it's a well-mixed loop with a ton of nice stuff and glitches in there ;)
I've been using ASIO all this time. I don't know how you haven't known about it until now.
This is really cool. Primary sound driver is the doodooberries.
Dammit! Now you have an excuse for not being able to type good melodies in. I have known all this time and I still need work.
Ah well, dopeness, pls sing more on your tracks kthx.
Yeah. I mean, my melodies are ok, but they don't have that human quality to them that you can get only by plugging them in yourself.
Man you like that auto-tune too, I suppose? Ha. Thanks for the review.
Oh mygoooooooooo that beat! Yes. That flow. This is extremely unique, very very good. Who produced? So good.
Thanks bruh..my man ICDMAW produced this...could be you tho lol
wow this beat be poppin. absolutely popping. i can hear the basslines. and the drum beats. and the riffs, it is so catchy and yet so beautiful at the same time. i love the motifs and the hip hop music that is evident in your stylings.
i can imagine this would bump in the hood verily. and playing it out to the streets so the young people will know what real music is. i will wear my bling over my neck and use peace signs. there is much to be gained from the culture that has been cultivated within this piece of music.
overall, this dank beat is absolute cray cray my contemporary. i will thoroughly enjoy it again.
your friend zigzagoon
0:00 that changing bpm is certainly interesting
0:25 Lol all that dissonance. it's pretty darn interesting i must say
0:35 "SPIN THAT SH NIGA ITS CHRISTMAS" yes. you know how i love obnoxiously dry and loud vocal samples.
0:56 this works surprisingly weird
1:05 that sampling is pretty good i like.
1:15 this live slicing thing works surprisingly well. you could use this to dj to be honest. using slicin on the fly. not that i DJ or anything so I probably don't know what
1:45 More SPIN THAT SH please
1:53 this is a beautiful part
I like this experiment a lot and that's why i'm giving it 4/5 because it's just awesome. i rate pretty harshly sometimes but yeah this is great ;0
I feel like the tempo change would've worked better if I exported the elements (drum track, bassline, etc) and dropped them into a new project where the tempo was the average of the 2 tempos. Then I would've been able to use delay again. And I could've dropped in some new elements and had a better idea of where they were relative to the other elements. I dunno.
Glad you dug the "live dj" part. I wasn't sure how to feel about it. It was a little too inconvenient a process for me to use on a regular basis.
Thanks for the review!
0:00 Oh cute. I like the vocal samples. This is different
0:27 Ooh i wish i could pick the chords to be honest but that string section gosh darn
0:58 It's got some super cute phasery things in there.
1:14 I like this part
kk that was cool :)
No samples there, it's me singing. With Gsnap. Probably better plugins I could've used.
Beatbox too.
I probably could've picked better chords, or fleshed out the track a bit, but I already had some low freq and some high freq stuff, and I wasn't sure if I could add more without overstuffing the mix.
I could've interrupted the beat with some jazz shit though, that could've been tight.
Thanks for the review!
0:04 lol the notes. the NOTES
0:18 it's still got an interesting vibe though. like a creepy cartoon
0:30 that wii music violin
0;50 nintendo will hire you
1:00 it's kinda sweet and tacky though i like it a little
1:13 ooh those chords! ooh nice chords
1:23 then it kind of weirds up the progression a bit that bass is hilarious lol
i have been transported into a horror
1:53 i wil have nightmares
2:00 i am dying please help me
2:06 oh it's happy again nothing to fear
2:20 so cute
k i'll finish now haha
Funny, seeing from back then. A bit repetitious but that horror bit in the middle oh my gosh i was scared. them melodies too. i think i need therapy lol
That "horror" was my acoustic guitar but with crazy compression and that cheap shitty FL distortion plugin on there (the pre-Camel Crusher days).
Originally this thing had lyrics (really emo, cringe-worthy shit), but even my foolish pimple-faced teenage self felt it worked better as an instrumental.
I wish I worked for nintendo, haha. I'd love to be the music guy. I probably wouldn't get to use samples as much, though.
Oh, the strings are from DirectWave -- Cellular and Mellotron.
0:07 LOL that flanger hahahahahahahahaha
0:10 It's very cute and yeaah haha
0:18 Aw this is cute. Those off bass notes xD
0:33 Hahaha sorry i don't like the notes xDDDDD but they're hilarious
0:46 The flanger is kind of cool but the delay lol
0:54 Yah this is funny ;P If this is an old song, you've improved a lot. Especially in terms of varying things up. This track would benefit from a bit of progression.
1:25 I do kind of like that main riff though. and the final chord in the progression
1:48 hahah
1:52 Well this is even good even way back when i feel inferior loooool
Yeah this is cool could use with some progression but you know I'm pretty sure you already know that ;) Love the throwback though ;P
I wish I made the bassline louder. My favorite part was that one clearly wrong note it does. It really makes the chord pop.
everyone matters
Age 33, Male
Software Developer
University of Auckland
Auckland, NZ
Joined on 11/9/10