Whoaaaaaaaa this is brilliant. The person below me is right. Brutaaaaaaaal
Whoaaaaaaaa this is brilliant. The person below me is right. Brutaaaaaaaal
WHOA this is fantastic. i love it so much. very good. so professional, favourited you and song
0:00 pensive enough beginning
0:20 bass comes in
0:27 sounds horrorcore-ish
0:33 i like this chord coming in
0:40 that kick is a bit too subdued for my liking... too bassy, not enough breadth or whatever
0:55 i hope it comes to the fore soon
1:00 this is too subdued...... at the moment. needs a little more in your face drums. i try not to mean that in the shallowest of ways, but the song does need a bit of energy and sway in my opinion
1:40 yeah it's a bit too subdued imo
SKIP to 2:45 wow this entire track never lifts, does it? it needs to lift
In my opinion this track needed to lift and it didn't.... even in the drum parts the hits weren't distinct enough. left me without a good impression. still well-produced, though, just not energetic enough
I'll take this into consideration when I complete this song. Thank you for your input, and thank you for listening.
0:00 I like this synth and how it reverberates
0:10 OH WOW i love this piano line
0:17 HAHA it sounds like Ghost busters... please don't make it too similar!!!!
0:29 I like the little chords here... sounds a bit Sylenthy, though
0:38 Really good chords
0:42 OOOH i like those bells
0:49 This is extremely feelsy-sounding. i like it.
1:02 oooooh i love the flute coming in
1:10 everything is so synergistic. and progressive. so brilliant. THOSE SYNTHETIC VOCALS. i am favouriting you and the song
1:10-57 my favourite part with the synthetic choir..... so brilliant
(what is the choir vst by the way lol)
love it! so good. 5/5 i was blown away. favourited you and song.
Zig Zag
Wow. The melodies in this are fantastic. You're right in saying this is Mega Man-inspired. It is beautiful and every little bit has its purpose.
0:22 This part is fantastic! Well-done. So brilliant.
0:31 Wow! Those stabs. I love it. So good.
0:43 I love your composition. Don't know what much else to say, this is brilliant on all accounts. From the drums down to the riffs and bass lines, every thing is so well-thought-out and cohesive.
1:13 The synths here and how they bend are so ecstatic. I'm FAVOURITING you and this track.
1:34 those stabs kill me. so good.
SKIP to 2:26 much of it is the same but it is still fantastic. love it.
This was an extremely well composed song and i love how cohesive it all was. Synths well-chosen, drums were consistent, and the stabs killed me. loved it <3 favourited both for artist and song
Thanks so much for your support! I'll be posting some new music soon, so stay tuned!
The snares are a bit much, and the kicks aren't mixed very well, but at least it's a kind of start. It's got some kind of fullness. Even though I've heard that guitar sample so many times. Good start to learning FL.
Yeah, there's a lot wrong with it, but it was a good learning experiment. Creating a short melody and doing percussion and whatnot was difficult for me since I had never really used it before. I have *no* idea how to mix stuff or master it correctly in the program, and I'm still barely able to use it, haha. I need to sit down and really learn the ins and outs of it someday.
But thanks for the review! Appreciate it!
0:00 This bass arp. It's kind of overwhelming.
0:16 ok i'd like something to come in here it's getting a bit tedious
0:25 the drums are really weird, not sure if i like them, they are a bit tedious
0:38 i am waiting for something interesting to happen
0:48 ok so the hi-hats come in
0:55 there needs to be a bit of interest in this song
1:00 ok the repeated loops here are a bit more interesting and experimental i like it
1:13 i like this riff right here
1:19 the randomness is killing me a bit though, in a bad way
1:30 the hi hats seem a bit random and i'd like there to be a bit of logic in the way this is set out, or at least i would like to sense some as the listener
1:50 it's getting a bit repetitious
1:55 i like this version of the beat where you repeat the same phrase without snare, i think it is
2:10 and the riffs where this mostly high notes
because the low notes aren't very well mixed
2:20 ok now we're hearing a bit of variation
still this is a very repetitious piece that could do with a little difference. needs something more, in my opinion, to flesh it out.
This was one of my first soundtracks I did a LONG time ago like I wrote in the description. I do wish it wasn't repeative but that's because I was using the demo version of FL Studio and had to do the song in like 1-3 days. So my old songs are repetitous because of that and inexperience. Though I hope to redo them in the future or use the notes from them for new songs. I did put a lot of interest in the song and some people really liked it.
0:08 Wow that drum loop...
0:14 The bass loop seems a bit random. not sure if i like it.
0:22 it drives along interestingly, though
0:28 i don't like the open hi-hat it's too piercing and random in the mix
0:37 you got unnecessary distortion here
0:45 but a lot of very good melodic components
0:52 i wish the drums would stand out more, and the kick drum weren't so muddy
1:01 interesting progression. at least there's some kind of grime to the beat here
1:11 the randomness of the riff is not very appealing
1:17 ok sometimes it hits, and it feels good
1:23 other times, it doesn't... i like the slow strings here
1:30 the plucks would be nice if they didn't distort terribly
Overall it's quite a static piece and it does have that factory flavour, however i would've like a little bit less distortion and less muddy mixing on the kick drum. it does have a nice progression, but certain points feel largely underwhelming. a bit of improvement could be made on this.
Dense. Nicely done. I like the bass. Good loop. Groovy. Hip hoppy. Toms on lock.
Hehe, nice one Father-of-Death
everyone matters
Age 33, Male
Software Developer
University of Auckland
Auckland, NZ
Joined on 11/9/10