0:00 Nice beginning, from the beginning, it's evident what type of song this is.
0:20 Wow! Is that a sample from a Disney movie? Cause that's really cool if it is!
0:45 Nice soothing part. Traditional open hi-hat comes in.
1:00 These chords remind me of Tiesto's "Elements of Life"
1:30 The vocals sound *slightly* cheesy. Even if they are very innovative.
1:55 Things are starting to sound kinda stale. Could use some spicing up.
2:30 Ah, yes. It's a My Little Pony thing. "I'm a little pony every pony should know". Too bad I haven't watched the show.
3:00 This part is nice and soothing. Still feels a *little* stale.
3:25 This drop was kinda yuck. I'm just not feeling it by this stage. Maybe this track is too long.
3:55 This tune is nice. I like this riff. It's very happy-go-lucky. The whole tune has this idealist vibe. It's very nice.
4:30 Ooh, nice change! The major chord is very cool.
4:45 This is a good change.
5:00 OK, the vocal sample is kinda annoying. But ah well. Good track.
Overall, good track. I like your mixing/mastering, and your chords are very uplifting. It's got a sweet vibe. Sometimes it may be *sickly* sweet, combined with the vocals, but overall very good, in a cotton-candy-cottage-mary-mary-quite-
contrary-how-do-you-do kind of way.
Well done.