- Are you captivated by this piece of work? Why or why not?
- Are there repeated shapes, patterns, or symmetry? Are they appealing?
- Do the textures complement each other?
- Do the compositions keep the beholder's attention?
- Does it have movement or "flow"?
- Are the proportions/levels correct?
- Is the overall presentation appealing?
- Do you like this? Why?
- How does it compare with other works? Does the skill factor match up?
- Is the piece consistently good, or does it have rough patches?
- What is your instinctive guess on the artist's skill?
- Is the artist making a statement?
- Is there a theme, a motif?
- Does the art "speak" to you? Or is it unmoving?
- Is it just mindless mumbo jumbo?
- Is it emotional? Does it evoke feelings? How strong are these feelings?
- How deep is the intent? Does it reference other art? Does it make a statement?
- Is the music a deeper metaphor?
- Does it explore a new subject? Or does it see an old subject in a new light?
- Does the art jump out at you as unique?
- Does it stand out from the crowd without using gimmicks or distractions?
A+: 90-100
A: 85-89
A-: 80-84
B+: 76-79
B: 73-75
B-: 70-72
C+: 67-69
C: 63-66
C-: 60-62
D+: 57-59
D: 53-56
D-: 50-52
F: 0-49
Skill seems far too empty.
It is fairly empty.
Of course the section has less questions underneath it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter as much as the others. That said, I'll probably add more to this as I think of it, and if you have any suggestions, feel free to throw them at me.